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The Three Keys To Success by Lord Beaverbrook

The Three Keys To Success by Lord Beaverbrook

Title: The Three Keys To Success
Author: Lord Beaverbrook
Year of Publication: 1956
Publisher: W. CLEMENT STONE Length: 126 Pages & 25,982 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “The Three Keys To Success” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!

Introduction by Joseph P. Kennedy
1. How to Use the Master Key
2. The Importance of Your First $5,000
3. Beware of Consistency!
4. How to Conquer Fear
5. Read!
6. How to Improvise
7. Don’t Have a Card-Index Mind
8. Don’t Trust to Luck!
9. How to Save
10. How to Sell
11. Learn to Speak in Public
12. The Road to Happiness
13. Never Resign!
14. “There Is Always Room for a Man of Force, and He Makes Room for many”

Extract of book:

Introduction by Joseph P. Kennedy

While enjoying a leisurely reading of Lord Beaverbrook’s volume of practical advice to young Englishmen, I was forcibly struck with the idea that young Americans would also enjoy the book. When I mentioned this to Lord Beaverbrook, he undertook a revision of the text and additions to it, which would make his message equally applicable to the United States. I know of no one better qualified to advise youth, and no one whose own story of success has greater appeal.

Born of humble circumstances in New Brunswick, Canada, Max Aitken (later to be Lord Beaverbrook) at an early age gave indications of his talent for trade. When he was ten, for instance, he very much wanted a
bicycle. But his chances of getting one seemed even smaller than his Presbyterian minister father’s salary, which was small indeed. Then one day a soap company offered a brand-new bicycle to the boy who turned in the greatest number of soap wrappers. Max immediately used his head—instead of simply pestering his neighbors to use more of the wrapper-bearing soap, he invested his small capital in whole cases of it.
He sold his stock at reduced prices—stipulating always that the wrappers be returned to him—and repeated the process time and again. Thus Max won the bike hands down and chalked up the first of his many business successes.

Subsequent applications of similar industry and good judgment were to bring him a fortune; international fame; knighthood, a baronetcy; houses in Surrey, Jamaica, Nassau, and Fredericton; an Ontario farm, a London penthouse; an imposing steel-and-black-glass Fleet Street office building; interests worth millions in many great enterprises; and the newspaper with one of the largest circulations in the world.

To get your hands on this inspiring classic that is now in the public domain, simply click on the button below now. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.


The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill

Image with text The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons
Title: The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons
Author: Napoleon Hill
Year of Publication: 1928
Publisher: The Ralston University Press
Length: 1,170 Pages & 258,623 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!

Extract of book:


Some thirty years ago a young clergyman by the name of Gunsaulus announced in the newspapers of Chicago that he would preach a sermon the following Sunday morning entitled:


The announcement caught the eye of Philip D. Armour, the wealthy packing-house king, who decided to hear the sermon.

In his sermon Dr. Gunsaulus pictured a great school of technology where young men and young women could be taught how to succeed in life by developing the ability to THINK in practical rather than in theoretical terms; where they would be taught to “learn by doing.” “If I had a million dollars,” said the young preacher, “I would start such a school.”

After the sermon was over Mr. Armour walked down the aisle to the pulpit, introduced himself, and said, “Young man, I believe you could do all you said you could, and if you will come down to my office tomorrow morning I will give you the million dollars you need.”

There is always plenty of capital for those who can create practical plans for using it.

That was the beginning of the Armour Institute of Technology, one of the very practical schools of the country. The school was born in the “imagination” of a young man who never would have been heard of outside of the community in which he preached had it not been for the “imagination,” plus the capital, of Philip D. Armour.

Every great railroad, and every outstanding financial institution and every mammoth business enterprise, and every great invention, began in the imagination of some one person.

F. W. Woolworth created the Five and Ten Cent Store Plan in his “imagination” before it became a reality and made him a multimillionaire.

Thomas A. Edison created the talking machine and the moving picture machine and the incandescent electric light bulb and scores of other useful inventions, in his own “imagination,” before they became a reality.

During the Chicago fire scores of merchants whose stores went up in smoke stood near the smoldering embers of their former places of business, grieving over their loss. Many of them decided to go away into other cities and start over again. In the group was Marshall Field, who saw, in his own “imagination,” the world’s greatest retail store, standing on the selfsame spot where his former store had stood, which was then but a ruined mass of smoking timbers. That store became a reality.

Fortunate is the young man or young woman who learns, early in life, to use imagination, and doubly so in this age of greater opportunity.

Imagination is a faculty of the mind which can be cultivated, developed, extended and broadened by use. If this were not true, this course on the Fifteen Laws of Success never would have been created, because it was first conceived in the author’s “imagination,” from the mere seed of an idea which was sown by a chance remark of the late Andrew Carnegie.

Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you may be following as an occupation, there is room for you to make yourself more useful, and in that manner more productive, by developing and using your “imagination.”

Success in this world is always a matter of individual effort, yet you will only be deceiving yourself if you believe that you can succeed without the co-operation of other people. Success is a matter of individual effort only to the extent that each person must decide, in his or her own mind, what is wanted. This involves the use of “imagination.” From this point on, achieving success is a matter of skillfully and tactfully inducing others to cooperate.

Before you can secure co-operation from others; nay, before you have the right to ask for or expect co-operation from other people, you must first show a willingness to co-operate with them. For this reason the eighth lesson of this course, THE HABIT OF DOING MORE THAN PAID FOR, is one which should have your serious and thoughtful attention.

The law upon which this lesson is based, would, of itself, practically insure success to all who practice it in all they do.

In the back pages of this Introduction you will observe a Personal Analysis Chart in which ten well known men have been analyzed for your study and comparison. Observe this chart carefully and note the “danger points” which mean failure to those who do not observe these signals. Of the ten men analyzed eight are known to be successful, while two may be considered failures. Study, carefully, the reason why these two men failed.

Then, study yourself. In the two columns which have been left blank for that purpose, give yourself a rating on each of the Fifteen Laws of Success at the beginning of this course; at the end of the course rate yourself again and observe the improvements you have made.

The purpose of the Law of Success course is to enable you to find out how you may become more capable in your chosen field of work. To this end you will be analyzed and all of your qualities classified so you may organize them and make the best possible use of them.

You may not like the work in which you are now engaged.

There are two ways of getting out of that work. One way is to take but little interest in what you are doing, aiming merely to do enough with which to “get by.” Very soon you will find a way out, because the demand for your services will cease.

The other and better way is by making yourself so useful and efficient in what you are now doing that you will attract the favorable attention of those who have the power to promote you into more responsible work that is more to your liking.

It is your privilege to take your choice as to which way you will proceed.

Again you are reminded of the importance of Lesson Nine of this course, through the aid of which you may avail yourself of this “better way” of promoting yourself.

Thousands of people walked over the great Calumet Copper Mine without discovering it. Just one lone man used his “imagination,” dug down into the earth a few feet, investigated, and discovered the richest copper deposit on earth.

You and every other person walk, at one time or another, over your “Calumet Mine.” Discovery is a matter of investigation and use of “imagination.” This course on the Fifteen Laws of Success may lead the way to your “Calumet,” and you may be surprised when you discover that you were standing right over this rich mine, in the work in which you are now engaged. In his lecture on “Acres of Diamonds,” Russell Conwell tells us that we need not seek opportunity in the distance; that we may find it right where we stand! THIS IS A TRUTH WELL WORTH REMEMBERING!

Author of the Law of Success.

To get your hands on this classic masterpiece that is now in the public domain simply click on the button below now. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.


I Dare You! by William H. Danforth

Image with text I Dare You!
Title: I Dare You!
Author: William H. Danforth
Year of Publication: 1958
Publisher: Danforth Foundation
Length: 149 Pages & 32,454 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “I Dare You!” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!

















Extract of book:


Those of us who were associated with Mr. Danforth in business know this Dare idea works. Practically all the leaders in his great organization were boys who came from humble surroundings and were dared by him to high accomplishments. He dared most by his own daring example. Mr. Danforth always gave the best that was in him, whether he was guiding a great industry, traveling in a remote corner of the world, shooting ducks or playing with his grandchildren. The day ahead was always the most thrilling day in his life. The job at hand was always the most important one he had ever undertaken. He never gave less than his best.

Several years ago Mr. Danforth published ”I Dare You” in a limited first edition for the benefit of his business, family and personal friends. Each book passed many times from one person to another. The idea spread and affected people of all ages and in all walks of life. In one case, ”I Dare You” inspired the sale of over $5,000,000 worth of insurance in a special day of the Life Underwriters’ Association. The demand from sales managers, Y. M. C. A. secretaries, business executives, college organizations, vocational teachers, personnel workers, preachers—everyone whose aim it is to challenge men and women to superior accomplishment—soon exhausted the early editions. Now comes the seventeenth edition revised and improved. ”I Dare You” is in its second printing in Canada. Here is more than a book. It is a working pattern of life written out of a pioneer business man’s own rich experience. It is the challenge for which Today’s Youth is waiting. It is a practical plan for action for everybody who wants to go somewhere and be somebody.


I agree that a business man should stick to business. But a proven four-fold program, plus a love for Youth, plus an inner urge—all dare me to write this book.

”I Dare You” is for the daring few who are headed somewhere. Those afraid to Dare might as well pass it up. It will weary the lazy because it calls for immediate action. It will bore the sophisticated, and amuse the skeptics. It will antagonize others. Some will not even know what it is all about. It will not be over popular because it calls for courage, swift and daring. But in the eyes of you, one of the priceless few, I trust will come a gleam of battle as you read on. You can be a bigger person than you are and I am going to prove it to you.

I am indebted beyond measure to Gordon M. Philpott who has been of inestimable help in the writing and editing of ”I Dare You.” His keen insight, his rare judgment and his frank criticisms have helped make this book a labor of love instead of a drab task. I honor him as a close associate in business, but most of all I cherish him as an understanding friend.
W. H. D.

To get your hands on this classic masterpiece that is now in the public domain simply click on the button below now. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.


How To Get What You Want by Orison Swett Marden

Image with text How To Get What You Want
Title: How To Get What You Want
Author: Orison Swett Marden
Year of Publication: 1917
Publisher: Thomas Y. Crowell Company
Length: 336 Pages & 66,603 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “How To Get What You Want” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!













Extract of book:


The most valuable thing which ever comes into a life is that experience, that book, that sermon, that person, that incident, that emergency, that accident, that catastrophe—that something which touches the springs of a man’s inner nature and flings open the doors of his great within, revealing its hidden resources.

A CUB lion, as the fable runs, was one day playing alone in the forest while his mother slept. As the different objects attracted his attention, the cub thought he would explore a bit and see what the great world beyond his home was like. Before he realized it, he had wandered so far that he could not find his way back. He was lost.

Very much frightened, the cub ran frantically in every direction calling piteously for his mother, but no mother responded. Weary with his wanderings, he did not know what to do, when a sheep, whose offspring had been taken from her, hearing his pitiful cries, made friends with the lost cub, and adopted him.

The sheep became very fond of her foundling, which in a short while grew so much larger than herself that at times she was almost afraid of it. Often, too, she would detect a strange, far-off look in its eyes which she could not understand.

The foster mother and her adopted lived very happily together, until one day a magnificent lion appeared, sharply outlined against the sky, on the top of an opposite hill. He shook his tawny mane and uttered a terrific roar, which echoed through the hills. The sheep mother stood trembling, paralyzed with fear. But the moment this strange sound reached his ears, the lion cub listened as though spellbound, and a strange feeling which he had never before experienced surged through his being until he was all a-quiver.

The lion’s roar had touched a chord in his nature that had never before been touched. It aroused a new force within him which he had never felt before. New desires, a strange new consciousness of power possessed him. A new nature stirred in him, and instinctively, without a thought of what he was doing, he answered the lion’s call with a corresponding roar.

Trembling with mingled fear, surprise and bewilderment at the new powers aroused within him, the awakened animal gave his foster mother a pathetic glance, and then, with a tremendous leap, started toward the lion on the hill.

The lost lion had found himself. Up to this he had gamboled around his sheep mother just as though he were a lamb developing into a sheep, never dreaming he could do anything that his companions could not do, or that he had any more strength than the ordinary sheep. He never imagined that there was within him a power which would strike terror to the beasts of the jungle. He simply thought he was a sheep, and would run at the sight of a dog and tremble at the howl of a wolf. Now he was amazed to see the dogs, the wolves, and other animals which formerly had so terrified him flee from him.

As long as this lion thought he was a sheep, he was as timid and retiring as a sheep; he had only a sheep’s strength and a sheep’s courage, and by no possibility could he have exerted the strength of a lion. If such a thing had been suggested to him he would have said, “How could I exert the strength of a lion? I am only a sheep, and just like other sheep. I cannot do what they cannot do.” But when the lion was aroused in him, instantly he became a new creature, king of the forest, with no rivals save the tiger and the panther. This discovery doubled, trebled and quadrupled his conscious power, a power which it would not have been possible for him to exert a minute before he had heard the lion’s roar.

But for the roar of the lion on the distant hill, which had aroused the sleeping lion within him, he would have continued living the life of a sheep and perhaps would never have known that there was a lion in him. The roar of the lion had not added anything to his strength, had not put new power into him; it had merely aroused in him what was already there, simply revealed to him the power he already possessed. Never again, after such a startling discovery, could this young animal be satisfied to live a sheep’s life. A lion’s life, a lion’s liberty, a lion’s power, the jungle thereafter for him.

There is in every normal human being a sleeping lion. It is just a question of arousing it, just a question of something happening that will awaken us, stir the depths of our being, and arouse the sleeping power within us.

Just as the young lion, after it had once discovered that it was a lion would never again be satisfied to live the life of a sheep, when we discover that we are more than mere clay, when we at last become conscious that we are more than human, that we are gods in the making, we shall never again be satisfied to live the life of common clods of earth. We shall feel a new sense of power welling up within us, a power which we never before dreamed we possessed, and never be quite the same again, never again be content with low-flying ideals, with a cheap success. Ever after we will aspire. We will look up, struggle up and on to higher and ever higher planes.

To get your hands on this classic masterpiece that is now in the public domain simply click on the button below now. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Image with text "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"
Title: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Author: Dr. Joseph Murphy
Year of Publication: 1963
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Length: 172 Pages & 70,095 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!


Chapter 1. The Treasure House Within You

Chapter 2. How Your Own Mind Works

Chapter 3. The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious

Chapter 4. Mental Healings in Ancient Times

Chapter 5. Mental Healings in Modern Times

Chapter 6. Practical Techniques in Mental Healings

Chapter 7. The Tendency of the Subconscious Is Lifeward

Chapter 8. How to Get the Results You Want

Chapter 9. How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth

Chapter 10. Your Right to Be Rich

Chapter 11. Your Subconscious Mind as a Partner in Success

Chapter 12. Scientists Use the Subconscious Mind

Chapter 13. Your Subconscious and the Wonders of Sleep

Chapter 14. Your Subconscious Mind and Marital Problems

Chapter 15. Your Subconscious Mind and Your Happiness

Chapter 16. Your Subconscious Mind and Harmonious Human Relations

Chapter 17. How to Use Your Subconscious Mind for Forgiveness

Chapter 18. How Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks

Chapter 19. How to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Remove Fear

Chapter 20. How to Stay Young in Spirit Forever

Extract of book:

How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life

I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world. Miracles will happen to you, too—when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind. This book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny; for as a man thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he.

Do you know the answers?

Why is one man sad and another man happy?

Why is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable?

Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence?

Why does one man have a beautiful, luxurious home while another man lives out a meager existence in a slum?

Why is one man a great success and another an abject failure?

Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular?

Why is one man a genius in his work or profession while the other man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile?

Why is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn’t?

Why is it so many good, kind religious people suffer the tortures of the damned in their mind and body?

Why is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health?

Why is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated?

Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds?

There most certainly is.

Reason for writing this book

It is for the express purpose of answering and clarifying the above questions and many others of a similar nature that motivated me to write this book. I have endeavored to explain the great fundamental truths of your mind in the simplest language possible. I believe that it is perfectly possible to explain the basic, foundational, and fundamental laws of life and of your mind in ordinary everyday language. You will find that the language of this book is that used in your daily papers, current periodicals, in your business offices, in your home, and in the daily workshop.

I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind. This miracle-working power of your subconscious mind can heal you of your sickness; make you vital and strong again. In learning how to use your inner powers, you will open the prison door of fear and enter into a life described by Paul as the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

Releasing the miracle-working power

A personal healing will ever be the most convincing evidence of our subconscious powers. Over forty-two years ago I resolved a malignancy—in medical terminology it was called a sarcoma—by using the healing power of my subconscious mind, which created me and still maintains and governs all my vital functions. The technique I applied is elaborated on in this book, and I feel sure that it will help others to trust the same Infinite Healing Presence lodged in the subconscious depths of all men.

Through the kindly offices of my doctor friend, I suddenly realized that it was natural to assume that the Creative Intelligence which made all my organs, fashioned my body, and started my heart, could heal its own handiwork. The ancient proverb says, “The doctor dresses the wound and God heals it.”

Wonders happen when you pray effectively

Scientific prayer is the harmonious interaction of the conscious and subconscious levels of mind scientifically directed for a specific purpose. This book will teach you the scientific way to tap the realm of infinite power within you enabling you to get what you really want in life. You desire a happier, fuller, and richer life. Begin to use this miracle-working power and smooth your way in daily affairs, solve business problems, and bring harmony in family relationships.

Be sure that you read this book several times. The many chapters will show you how this wonderful power works, and how you can draw out the hidden inspiration and wisdom that is within you. Learn the simple techniques of impressing the subconscious mind. Follow the new scientific way in tapping the infinite storehouse. Read this book carefully, earnestly, and lovingly. Prove to yourself the amazing way it can help you. It could be and I believe it will be the turning point of your life.

Everybody prays

Do you know how to pray effectively? How long is it since you prayed as part of your everyday activities? In an emergency, in time of danger or trouble, in illness, and when death lurks, prayers pour forth—your own and friends. Just read your daily newspaper.

It is reported that prayers are being offered up all over the nation for a child stricken with a so-called incurable ailment, for peace among nations, for a group of miners trapped in a flooded mine. Later it is reported that when rescued, the miners said that they prayed while waiting for rescue; an airplane pilot says that he prayed as he made a successful emergency landing.

Certainly, prayer is an ever-present help in time of trouble; but you do not have to wait for trouble to make prayer an integral and constructive part of your life. The dramatic answers to prayer make headlines and are the subject of testimonies to the effectiveness of prayer. What of the many humble prayers of children, the simple thanksgiving of grace at the table daily, the faithful devotions wherein the individual seeks only communion with God?

My work with people has made it necessary for me to study the various approaches to prayer. I have experienced the power of prayer in my own life, and I have talked and worked with many people who also have enjoyed the help of prayer. The problem usually is how to tell others how to pray. People who are in trouble have difficulty in thinking and acting reasonably. They need an easy formula to follow, an obviously workable pattern that is simple and specific. Often they must be led to approach the emergency.

Unique feature of this book

The unique feature of this book is its down-to-earth practicality. Here you are presented with simple, usable techniques and formulas, which you can easily apply in your workaday world. I have taught these simple processes to men and women all over the world, and recently over a thousand men and women of all religious affiliations attended a special class in Los Angeles where I presented the highlights of what is offered in the pages of this book. Many came from distances of two hundred miles for each class lesson.

The special features of this book will appeal to you because they show you why oftentimes you get the opposite of what you prayed for and reveal to you the reasons why. People have asked me in all parts of the world and thousands of times, “Why is it I have prayed and prayed and got no answer?” In this book you will find the reasons for this common complaint. The many ways of impressing the subconscious mind and getting the right answers make this an extraordinarily valuable book and an ever-present help in time of trouble.

What do you believe?

It is not the thing believed in that brings an answer to man’s prayer; the answer to prayer results when the individual’s subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his mind. This law of belief is operating in all religions of the world and is the reason why they are psychologically true. The Buddhist, the Christian, the Moslem, and the Hebrew all may get answers to their prayers, not because of the particular creed, religion, affiliation, ritual, ceremony, formula, liturgy, incantation, sacrifices, or offerings, but solely because of belief or mental acceptance and receptivity about that for which they pray.

The law of life is the law of belief, and belief could be summed up briefly as a thought in your mind. As a man thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his mind, body, and circumstances. A technique, a methodology based on an understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it will help you to bring about a subconscious embodiment of all the good things of life. Essentially, answered prayer is the realization of your heart’s desire.

Desire is prayer

Everyone desires health, happiness, security, peace of mind, true expression, but many fail to achieve clearly defined results. A university professor admitted to me recently, “I know that if I changed my mental pattern and redirected my emotional life, my ulcers would not recur, but I do not have any technique, process, or modus operandi. My mind wanders back and forth on my many problems, and I feel frustrated, defeated, and unhappy.” This professor had a desire for perfect health; he needed knowledge of the way his mind worked which would enable him to fulfil his desire. By practicing the healing methods outlined in this book, he became whole and perfect.

There is one mind common to all individual men (Emerson)

The miracle-working powers of your subconscious mind existed before you and I were born, before any church or world existed. The great eternal truths and principles of life antedate all religions. It is with these thoughts in mind that I urge you in the following chapters to lay hold of this wonderful, magical, transforming power, which will bind up mental and physical wounds, proclaim liberty to the fear-ridden mind, and liberate you completely from the limitations of poverty, failure, misery, lack, and frustration.

All you have to do is unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody, and the creative powers of your subconscious will respond accordingly. Begin now, today, let wonders happen in your life! Keep on, keeping on until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

To get your hands on this classic masterpiece that is now in the public domain simply click on the button below now. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.


How To Make Your Daydreams Come True by Elmer Wheeler

Image with text How To Make Your Daydreams Come True
Title: How To Make Your Daydreams Come True
Author: Elmer Wheeler
Year of Publication: 1952
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Length: 207 Pages & 42,590 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “How To Make Your Daydreams Come True” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!


PART I: What Is the Secret of Success? Money? “Pull”? Education?











PART II: The Master Formula for Making Your Daydreams Come True







PART III: More Keys to Success









PART IV: 25 Actual Case Histories of People Who Turned Daydreams into Success





















21. T. G. COOKE





Extract of book:


If you were offered three wishes right now that could and would be fulfilled through sheer magic by a fairy godmother, what would they be? Would they be wishes for success … money … travel … new clothes … a new car … a home … or to marry a handsome prince or a beautiful princess?

All these things: your success in life, your bank account, a beautiful car, a home to be proud of, a wonderful mate, are proportional to your dreams … your daydreams!

And here, at long last,—and for the first time in this age, I believe—seems to be the practical, the workable Big Secret of how to transform your wishes, your desires, and your daydreams into realities—and this secret works as surely as if you had a magic wand in your own hand!

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Daily Power for Joyful Living by Donald Curtis

Image with text "Daily Power for Joyful Living"
Title: Daily Power for Joyful Living
Author: Donald Curtis
Year of Publication: 1963
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Length: 272 Pages & 80,555 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “Daily Power for Joyful Living” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!


PREFACE – How To Use This Book

Chapter 1. LIVING – Your Golden Bridge to Life

Chapter 2. SELF – How to Make the Most of Yourself

Chapter 3. PEOPLE – “… all the World Art Queer Save Thee and Me …”

Chapter 4. WORK – Thank God for Work!

Chapter 5. FAMILY – The Key of Society

Chapter 6. TODAY – The Best Day You Have Ever Had

Chapter 7. THE WORLD – This Great Big Beautiful World

Chapter 8. COUNTRY – “My Country’ Tis of Thee!”

Chapter 9. MIND – “As a Man Thinketh…”

Chapter 10. BODY – The Temple of the Spirit

Chapter 11. HEALTH – The Secret of Vital Health

Chapter 12. TIME – All the Time There Is

Chapter 13. POSSESSIONS – “What Doth It Profit a Man?”

Chapter 14. MONEY – How to Have Financial Security

Chapter 15. PLAY – Life Is a Ball

Chapter 16. RESPONSIBILITY – “To Thine Own Self Be True”

Chapter 17. EDUCATION – Toward Becoming a Whole Person

Chapter 18. PROBLEMS – A New Way to Solve Old Problems

Chapter 19. LOVE – “…Makes the world Go Round”

Chapter 20. FAITH – “The Substance of Things Hoped for…”

Chapter 21. BEAUTY – “…A Joy Forever”

Chapter 22. SLEEP – “To Sleep, Perchance To Dream…”

Chapter 23. PERSONALITY AND GOD – “…In Our Image, After Our Likeness…”

Chapter 24. PROSPERITY – The Law of Increase

Chapter 25. SELF-DISCOVERY AND SELF EXPRESSION – The “Father’s Business”

Chapter 26. ATTITUDES AND HABITS – “Every Day in Every Way”

Chapter 27. AIMS AND GOALS – The Art of Standing Tall

Chapter 28. RELIGION – Something to Live By

Chapter 29. PRAYER AND TREATMENT – “Teach Us to Pray”

Chapter 30. AGE – Breaking The Age Barrier

Chapter 31. ETERNAL LIFE – The Great Adventure


Extract of book:


This book is your personal “do it yourself” construction kit. You are to use it to build for yourself a richer, fuller life. This is the greatest construction job which you will ever have the opportunity to undertake—building your own life. Your life is what you make it:

I am the master of my fate; I
am the captain of my soul.”
(Invictus, by William Ernest Henley)

For most of us, the task of life construction involves considerable reconstruction. Before we can build a solid structure, we must first clear away the debris of old ideas and habits. That is where this book comes in. It contains the tools by which you change your consciousness, and therefore your life, from negative to positive. When this is done, there is no limit to the power, and the joy of your constructive living.


This book contains 31 vital chapters—one for each day of the month—each one covering an important area of your life, and contains constructive techniques for strengthening each one. Here is the way to use these valuable tools:

1. Read this book completely through to get an overall grasp of its subject matter. For this first reading, don’t study it; just enjoy it.

2. Now you are ready to use the tools in this book for constructive life-building purposes. The first step: Read a chapter a day each day of the month, each month for one year. When you finish the first month, start back at the beginning, and go through it again, studying the references and practicing the techniques given for each day. There is ample material given for an entire year’s program of constructive life-building activity. Have fun doing it. Living is fun! Don’t resist it. Enjoy it!

3. This book will be your constant companion for the next year, so make friends with it. Be good to it by using it. It will be good to you by helping you become the person that you want to be. Let your mind absorb the constructive ideas in each chapter. This book is really a collection of affirmative ideas. In your tools for each day you will find quotations from the world’s great idealists and optimists, including many affirmative statements from the Bible, as well as excerpts from inspiring poems which will lift your spirit to new heights.

In addition, you will find many references to the author’s two previous books, Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life, and Human Problems and How To Solve Them, both indispensable guidebooks to joyful living. They each contain numerous techniques for developing the affirmative approach. Refer to these books. Along with this one, they will change your life.

4. At the end of each chapter you will find a GOLDEN BRIDGE to span each day: the first part to project your constructive consciousness ahead each morning, and the second to help you review your day before retiring each night. The use of the GOLDEN BRIDGE FOR EACH DAY is an integral part of the joyful living plan for which this book provides the blueprint. This technique is described fully in Chapter One.

One word of reminder—these techniques will help you to the exact degree that you use them. To make them work you must work them. Just follow these instructions.

5. At the back of the book you will find 366 Constructive Daily Thoughts (one for each day of the year, including Leap Year). Memorize the appropriate thought each morning and repeat it frequently throughout the day. It will keep you on the upward path.

6. Give a copy of this book to at least one person each month. In this way you will be sharing your good with others. It will come back to you many times, because when you give to them and they give to others, the accumulated good is totally active in the life of each individual who is using this approach to the more joyful life.

7. Follow these instructions for one month, and you will be an entirely different person. Live by these suggestions faithfully for one year and you will become the person you want to be. You are the builder. Let’s go!

Donald Curtis

To get your hands on this classic masterpiece that is now in the public domain simply click on the button below now. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.


You Can Prevent Illness by Edward R. Pinckney

Image with text You Can Prevent Illness
Title: You Can Prevent Illness
Author: Edward R. Pinckney, M.D.
Year of Publication: 1962
Publisher: Collier Books
Length: 157 Pages & 41,214 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “You Can Prevent Illness” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!



1. What Is Preventive Medicine?

2. Be It Ever So Humble … Preventive Medicine Begins at Home

3. A Shot in Time …

4. Stress, Sweat, and Tears: Preventing Illness at Work

5. Travel Safely

6. Eat, Drink, and Be Wary . . . and Tomorrow You’ll Live Better

7. Common Sense, Cholesterol, and Coronary Disease

8. Radiation: Prevention of Fears and Future Damage

9. The Greeks Had a Word for It… Ecology

10. Get Me to the Doctor on Time…

11. Insuring the Cost of Your Health—Caveat Emptor

12. Preventive Dentistry

13. Compulsion and Conformity Versus Convenience and Contentment (The Prevention of Mental Distress)


Extract of book:

Introduction—Why This Book?

“THERE’S NO secret formula that will keep you from getting sick,” said Dr. Lee, “but just about everyone can ward off a great many diseases in only two steps: first, learning what can be done, and secondly, actually doing it.”

Martha Larkum was consulting her doctor because of what had happened the previous night. Just before she and her husband had left for the country-club party, their baby-sitter had commented, “Gee, I’m sure glad you’re not as fussy as Dr. Lee. He made me have all kinds of tests and an okay from my own doctor before he let me sit with his children. In fact he makes anyone who works for him go through the same rigmarole.”

All through the evening Mr. and Mrs. Larkum thought about their baby-sitter’s remarks. Over cocktails and dinner they discussed the subject with their friends. One ventured the opinion. “Maybe it’s fussiness like Dr. Lee’s that keeps his family so healthy. I don’t think his children have ever missed a day of school.”

Another party-goer said, “It seems ridiculous to go to such extremes. You just can’t x-ray everyone you come in contact with.”

“But a doctor has an advantage over us; he knows what to prevent,” someone interrupted.

Another guest remarked, “Well, isn’t it just like getting shots? … Anyone can do it if he wants to.”

Driving home after the party the Larkums agreed on one thing. They certainly felt better knowing their babysitter of that evening was in reasonably good health.

“It makes sense,” John Larkum said. “We teach the children to wash their hands before eating, to stay out of congested places and to turn their faces away from people who are coughing or sneezing, yet up to now we’ve never thought of looking into the health of the people we sometimes hire to cook their meals, bathe them, and put them to bed.”

Martha Larkum smiled and replied, ”I guess it’s just putting into practice that old maxim—an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Before turning out the light that night she mused, “You know, John, I’m going to talk to Dr. Lee tomorrow, and see if he’ll let me in on some of his secret ounces of prevention.”

So it was that the next afternoon Mrs. Larkum sat in her doctor’s office, and heard him say, “There are many ways to prevent disease. You are familiar already with immunizations, regular physical and dental check-ups, vitamin supplements, and personal cleanliness, to mention a few. There are many other things you should be careful about, such as exposure to German measles during pregnancy, drinking doubtful water when traveling, avoiding exhaustion or excessive exposure at any time …”

“Just a minute,” interrupted Mrs. Larkum. “You may know all about these things, but where can I find all the many ways to avoid illness for my family?”

“You know,” Dr. Lee agreed, “you may be right. There has been a lot of writing about what to do when you’re suffering from various and sundry diseases, but I’m not aware of any simply written book about preventive medicine for the lay person.” He sat back and smiled. “Some day,” he said, “I’m going to write a book on the subject.”

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The Painless Way To Stop Smoking by Jack G. Heise

Image with text The Painless Way To Stop Smoking
Title: The Painless Way To Stop Smoking
Author: Jack G. Heise
Year of Publication: 1962
Publisher: Channel Press, Inc.
Length: 128 Pages & 29,209 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “The Painless Way To Stop Smoking” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!

Extract of book:


During my more than twenty years as a practicing psychiatrist and neurologist, I have used hypnosis almost daily, therapeutically as well as for diagnosis. Aware of its limitations as well as its advantages, I have therefore been on guard against—and I have vigorously worked against—those who misrepresent hypnosis, or utilize it for entertainment, or becloud it with illusion and false hope.

I was pleased, then, when Channel Press asked my opinion of this book before they determined to publish it. My recommendation to them, as you see, was to issue it. Indeed, I was so impressed by Mr. Heise’s approach, understanding, and excellent and ethical presentation that I offered to add a few introductory words written from the point of view of a physician specializing in psychiatry.

As you read into the book, you will realize that the author is teaching you to use some of the techniques of hypnosis and self-hypnosis to change deep-rooted habit patterns. He will tell you that this method is painless. He will tell you that it is safe. Some readers will wonder whether this is true, and may hesitate to apply the author’s suggestions.

And so I would like to add this word of reassurance. There is no danger in self-hypnosis. The techniques you will learn in the pages that follow are safe and they are sound. I will return to this matter, because I want to discuss certain unethical uses of hypnosis; but so far as the material you will read in this book is concerned, be at ease. The method is standard and orthodox; it offers an excellent way for you to achieve your goal.

Physicians are often asked whether it is harmful to smoke three cigarettes a day, or five, or fourteen, or a pack; people seem to seek a standard measurement. If they exceed it, that would be bad; if they smoked fewer than the standard, that would be all right. But no such figure can be set. For several of my patients, one cigarette a week would be too many cigarettes.

A better way to respond to questions about cigarette smoking, then, is to speak not of quantities but of habit patterns. You are smoking to excess if you do any one (or more) of the following:

1. Reach for a cigarette the first thing in the morning, or the last thing at night.

2. Light a cigarette without realizing it, find yourself smoking, and wonder why you lit it and when.

3. Claim that you are unable to enjoy certain situations without a cigarette—your morning coffee, food, reading the paper, playing cards, and so on.

4. Feel it necessary to explain the number you smoke with such phrases as “They help me relax” and “I only take a puff or two, forget it, and then light another.”

5. Become severely upset when you find yourself in a “no smoking” area—certain theatres and public buildings, for example—and feel compelled to “duck out for a quick cigarette,” or are ready to risk public disapproval or punishment by “sneaking” a few puffs.

6. Find it almost unbearable when you are out of cigarettes, and are unable to tolerate the situation; instead, are willing to go to some lengths (dressing, walking to the corner store, stopping a stranger) to get a cigarette.

7. Feel that you have to smoke to show that (a) you are one of the gang, or (b) “adult.”

If with any degree of regularity you act or react in any of the ways described above, you are smoking to excess.

“Excess” means “more than what is right, proper or necessary.” When used in medicine, it means “more than is good for continued good health/’ We can eat too much, work too much, drink too much (including non-alcoholic liquids), sleep too much, and so on; and while any such excess is potentially troublesome, some excesses are worse than others.

Smoking must be put in that category, because it has vastly increased the incidence of lung cancer and coronary artery diseases, and because it plays a significant role in increasing the mortality rate in other pathologies.

Some people do more than one thing excessively; for example, they may smoke excessively and drink excessively and perhaps also work excessively. Since there is a reason for everything we do, there are reasons for this pattern of behavior. Usually the excess acts as an “escape mechanism” from an emotional problem. If the habit is removed but the cause is not, another habit generally develops. That is where the psychiatrist can make his unique contribution; he can seek out and remove the basic cause or causes for that particular emotional problem.

Excess can also be the result of an endless circle of action and reaction. An emotional problem causes anxiety; the anxiety itself causes greater anxiety. And as the anxiety continues to mount, feeding on itself and breeding itself, an escape mechanism becomes necessary. Relaxation effectively prevents this dangerous accretion of anxiety and tension, and one bonus you can achieve as the result of reading this book is learning how to relax.

Excess, we’ve seen, can take many forms. Psychology shows us that the individual makes an unconscious “choice” of his particular escape mechanism (or mechanisms), and that his choice is usually made through an unconscious association with what he thinks will bring gratification—excessive eating, drinking, playing, sleeping, working, or so on.

With smoking, however, another element is present: cigarette advertising.

Cigarette advertising induces you to believe first that smoking leads to gratification, and second that more smoking leads to still more gratification and enjoyment.

It does nothing of the kind; more smoking leads to more damage. When it doesn’t lead to catastrophic damage, it at least results in unnecessary shortness of breath, coughing, digestive upsets, and a host of other obstacles to a feeling of real well-being.

The liquor industry has seen the need for self-regulation, and promotes the idea of moderation (which it certainly finds preferable to prohibition). The cigarette industry in its consumer advertising makes believe that the facts aren’t there. With agile sleight-of-hand, the tobacco merchants keep your attention diverted from the dangers of smoking; instead you pay attention to their new ideas in packaging (soft package, hard package, tops that slip, flip, zip, slide or slope) and to their new brands, new sizes, and new flavors. Mr. Heise will make you realize the incredible effectiveness of tobacco promotion; and perhaps his revelations will bring the United States closer to the time when we (as other nations have now done) will restrict or ban certain forms of cigarette advertising. As a psychiatrist and as a parent, I am against advertising that has tended to lower the age at which youngsters begin to smoke, and that has turned what ought to be an occasional act of the conscious mind into a habit.

It is difficult to predict how quickly you, the particular reader, will be able to learn to employ these techniques effectively. For some it may be a matter of no more than a few minutes an evening for a very few evenings; others may not succeed for a week, ten days or two weeks. Some readers will undoubtedly read up to the point at which the author asks them to follow out a number of directions that will gently relax their bodies and minds, and will then say it’s “too much bother.” This would be regrettable, since continued excessive smoking could ultimately cause far greater “bother.”

Do not be fearful or hesitant about following the author’s directions and recommendations. They can only help you, not harm you. No one in hypnosis will respond to any suggestion that is contrary to his mores or to those of the community. There is no danger of “remaining hypnotized forever.” Hypnosis is dangerous only when it is used for entertainment or by an unethical, unqualified person, who seeks to effect a dramatic “cure” without looking for and eliminating the cause. An unqualified person who attempts to prevent an alcoholic from drinking or a narcotics addict from using drugs, for example, without eliminating the cause, could wreak tragic harm. On the other hand, the competent and ethical use of hypnosis by a trained physician or any qualified hypnotherapist working under medical supervision, is a tool of increasingly great importance, a tool useful in diagnosis and treatment, anywhere in medicine, whether in the psychiatrist’s consulting room or in the operating and delivery rooms.

By showing you beneficial ways to use some of these techniques, the author of this book is going to do more for you than enable you to stop smoking. He is going to help you learn how to relax. The relaxation he will help you achieve isn’t a fleeting, fragmentary respite from pressures; it is a revivifying process. You spring back from it feeling “renewed”; from it you must gain greater health and happiness.

And so this is a book that offers much. It can help save many, many lives. It can add years to your life. It is, therefore, an important book.

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Take Weight Off And Keep It Off by Max Konigsberg

Image with text Take Weight Off & Keep It Off
Title: Take Weight Off And Keep It Off
Author: Max Konigsberg, M.D. and Louis Golomb
Year of Publication: 1962
Publisher: Lancer Books, Inc.
Length: 160 Pages & 39,330 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.

Claim your copy of “Take Weight Off & Keep It Off” now by clicking the above link. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.

This book is in the public domain and copyright-free which means there are no usage restrictions and you can do with it whatever you want to. Sell it, give it away, turn it into an audio book, rewrite or edit it, use it for ideas or as content for another publication, etc. The list is endless! You can obviously also use it for personal use… Print your own copy, make notes on the pages and highlight sentences that inspire you!



Extract of book:


STILL ANOTHER book on dieting? There must be a hundred or so in print at this moment. The one type of printed matter that rolls even more regularly off the presses is its arch-rival, the cook book, telling of exotic haute cuisine and other culinary arts, with all of which diet is as closely linked as virtue is to sin.

Like sin, fat is something everybody is against and few know how to cope with. Americans are certainly diet conscious enough, but they have been offered so many “fabulous formulas,” “miracle diets,” “crash” programs— and now the 900 calorie diet! With signposts all pointing in opposite directions, one simply doesn’t know which way to turn.

Do you, for instance, believe that fat, when it is not “glandular,” comes only from overeating? (You are wrong.) That by counting calories anybody can reduce and stay healthy and slim? Wrong again! That you must deprive your body to keep it from plumping out? Ditto! That “dieting,” learning how to nourish yourself, is exclusively for fat people? Ditto again.

Nor does medical science speak out in a single voice. Let us glance at three recent books dealing with diet. Live Longer and Better by Dr. Robt. C. Peale, says: “Eat and drink whatever you like. You don’t have to give up your favorite desserts or starchy foods.”—but in moderation. We are then instructed in a simplified method of calorie counting.

But, Calories Don’t Count is the comforting title of Dr. Herman Taller’s best-selling book. Announcing a “revolutionary break-through in medical knowledge,” it cuts down to the vanishing point on carbohydrates, including fresh fruits and vegetables, and invites an omnivorous eating of fats: “Eat fat to get slim.”

While for Dr. Ancel Keyes, a significant name in dietetics, fatty foods are the enemy, leading both to obesity and to heart disease. He, too, urges calorie counting, but directed at a drastic reduction in our fat intake. No wonder people turn to faddists and food quackery. But what does a doctor, with no theoretical axe to grind, think of all this? What does medical common sense advise? I trust I am qualified to express this common sense view by my twenty-five years of practice involving an almost daily preoccupation with the diet of my patients. I am a gastroenterologist (a specialist in internal disorders) with an abiding interest in both education and research. I have taught at two fully accredited medical universities in the New York area. I have also done experimental research in my specialty, which is closely related to nutrition.

This book attempts to sum up what physicians know about diet as “preventive medicine,” and how we feel about such diverse matters as calories, food cultists and even condiments. You will be guided through the immense field of dietetics, where you will learn the landmarks as well as the pitfalls. And on the narrower, embattled terrain of “dieting,” we shall together explode the booby traps.

When you have acquired a smattering of food facts plus some knowledge of the workings of your body, you will be prepared to undertake weight reduction. The program offered here is fairly certain to meet with your doctor’s approval. For even while it rids you of excess weight, it will at the same time greatly improve your health and enhance your life prospects.

with Louis GOLOMB

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