Title: The Three Keys To Success
Author: Lord Beaverbrook
Year of Publication: 1956
Publisher: W. CLEMENT STONE Length: 126 Pages & 25,982 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.
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Introduction by Joseph P. Kennedy
1. How to Use the Master Key
2. The Importance of Your First $5,000
3. Beware of Consistency!
4. How to Conquer Fear
5. Read!
6. How to Improvise
7. Don’t Have a Card-Index Mind
8. Don’t Trust to Luck!
9. How to Save
10. How to Sell
11. Learn to Speak in Public
12. The Road to Happiness
13. Never Resign!
14. “There Is Always Room for a Man of Force, and He Makes Room for many”
Extract of book:
Introduction by Joseph P. Kennedy
While enjoying a leisurely reading of Lord Beaverbrook’s volume of practical advice to young Englishmen, I was forcibly struck with the idea that young Americans would also enjoy the book. When I mentioned this to Lord Beaverbrook, he undertook a revision of the text and additions to it, which would make his message equally applicable to the United States. I know of no one better qualified to advise youth, and no one whose own story of success has greater appeal.Born of humble circumstances in New Brunswick, Canada, Max Aitken (later to be Lord Beaverbrook) at an early age gave indications of his talent for trade. When he was ten, for instance, he very much wanted a
bicycle. But his chances of getting one seemed even smaller than his Presbyterian minister father’s salary, which was small indeed. Then one day a soap company offered a brand-new bicycle to the boy who turned in the greatest number of soap wrappers. Max immediately used his head—instead of simply pestering his neighbors to use more of the wrapper-bearing soap, he invested his small capital in whole cases of it.
He sold his stock at reduced prices—stipulating always that the wrappers be returned to him—and repeated the process time and again. Thus Max won the bike hands down and chalked up the first of his many business successes.Subsequent applications of similar industry and good judgment were to bring him a fortune; international fame; knighthood, a baronetcy; houses in Surrey, Jamaica, Nassau, and Fredericton; an Ontario farm, a London penthouse; an imposing steel-and-black-glass Fleet Street office building; interests worth millions in many great enterprises; and the newspaper with one of the largest circulations in the world.
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