Title: How To Conquer Fears, Worries, and Frustrations in Thirty Hours
Author: Maxwell S. Cagan
Copyright: 1960
Publisher: FREDERICK FELL, INC. Length: 192 Pages & 67,730 Words
Status: Public Domain in the United States and countries following the rule of the shorter term.
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Why you are the most amazing living organism in the world and how you can benefit by it - HOW MANY OF “YOU” ARE THERE?
How to use them to better advantage - WHAT IS YOUR PHYSICAL CONDITION?
Why is physical well-being so important to you? - ARE YOU SET IN YOUR WAYS?
Let these revealing questions tell you things about yourself - HOW TO CHANGE YOUR HABITS
Five proven ways to displace bad habits and six ways to acquire those which will do you good - MAKE MEMORY WORK FOR YOU
Four sure ways to improve your memory - WHAT IS YOUR PSYCHIC AGE?
How to measure your calendar years and have youth stay with you - WHAT PRICE TEMPER AND GRUDGES?
Five reasons why you lose your temper and how to offset them
Three ways to make that magic lamp work for you - HOW TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS
Twelve ways to use your senses - HOW TO ADD TO YOUR ENJOYMENTS
Twelve ways to add to your enjoyments - HOW TO KEEP YOUR MIND OPEN
Use this practical measuring yardstick - HOW TO MAKE “TODAY” COUNT
Make this the best day ever - HOW TO BANISH INNER CONFLICTS
Twelve ways to meet minor personal problems - HOW TO OVERCOME AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX
Twelve ways to offset a feeling of inferiority - HOW TO DISSIPATE FEAR
Twelve ways to debilitate groundless fears - HOW TO ELIMINATE NEEDLESS WORRY
Six ways to dissipate the worry habit - HOW TO COMBAT FRUSTRATION
Nine ways to disperse frustrations - HOW TO LESSEN NERVOUS TENSION
Seven ways to reduce tensions - LEARN HOW TO RELAX
Six simple ways to relax and to promote natural sleep - HOW TO COPE WITH GRIEF
Simple, sound ways to dissipate the ravages of grief - HOW TO BENEFIT BY DISCONTENT
Five ways to deal with discontent - HOW TO LIVE WITH YOURSELF
Six ways to help you live with yourself
Fifteen ways to overcome loneliness - HOW TO MAKE TIME YOUR FRIEND
Fifteen ways to turn time into a friend - HOW TO INCREASE RETIREMENT PLEASURES
Twelve ways to add to your enjoyments - HOW TO GAIN AND RETAIN FRIENDS
Twenty-five proven ways to make friends - HOW TO CULTIVATE CHEERFULNESS
Ten sure ways to a cheerful attitude - HOW TO LOOK FOR HAPPINESS
Twelve ways to plant and enjoy happiness - HOW TO GENERATE SPIRITUAL BELIEF
The right ways to cultivate faith and belief
How to maintain your new “look”
LIFE DOES NOT always run smoothly and many a step taken with the best intentions in the world does not turn out as well as expected. Even under ideal conditions, in the midst of our modern social and economic system, we are faced with problems day after day that call for specific decisions. Some of them involve only minor adjustments, others necessitate drastic changes or complete reversals in habitual behavior. But whatever the need our feelings or emotions of the moment definitely influence our actions and greatly affect our final decisions.
To be able to meet conditions as they arise one must be prepared for them. But unfortunately many an individual is handicapped from the start. Whether it be due to environment, to personal make-up, to conditioned reflexes, to preconceived notions, to lack of self-reliance or to emotional instability, many of us cannot face realistically the every-day problems of life.
We look for a way out and seek to escape the pending changes or the new responsibilities. We try to ignore them, to submerge or to suppress them, and that often marks the beginning of a complex or a neurosis.
The Chinese are great believers in preventive medicine and we, too, may find it advantageous in days to come to utilize the vast resources of modern medical science and mental therapy to keep us physically, mentally and emotionally fit at all times.
This book has two main objectives. 1st. To reach those who are advancing in years and are gradually growing tense, discouraged, easily upset or emotionally disturbed without knowing why. 2nd. Those who are already beset by fears, worries, anxieties, frustrations or mysterious ailments and want to help themselves.
If you belong to the first group this book may help you arrest and prevent emotional disturbances. If you belong to the second it may start you looking for the underlying causes and help you find ways to eliminate them.
But to do any of these things effectively you must “pin-point” the contributory factors, and the way to start is to ask questions of yourself. For instance, why do you think that no one needs you, wants you or is in any way concerned about you? Why are you beset by fears and anxieties which you cannot explain? Why do you feel insecure even in the midst of your immediate family? Why are you troubled by mysterious aches and pains which defy usual medications? Why do you consider yourself inferior or subservient to others?
Do inner conflicts keep you on edge? Do you nurture grudges, resentments or animosities without cause? Are you lonely most of the time? Do you find yourself unable to make or retain friends? Do you feel uncomfortable in the midst of people and would rather be alone? Do you suffer from a feeling of guilt? Are you caught in a grip of misery, of compulsions or obsessions, and see no way out? Have you lost your mate recently and in the midst of your grief feel that life is no longer worth living?
Do you think of yourself as a misfit or a failure? Are you now re-tired but fail to enjoy your leisure hours? Have you become estranged from God and the spiritual uplift of prayer? Do you feel you could still be useful to others and to yourself if only you were shown how and given the chance?
If any of those questions apply to you then this thirty-day guide to happier living can help you, no matter what your age, your sex, your background or your economic status might be.
This guide will show you how to analyze yourself, how to evaluate your promptings and potentials, how to minimize objection-able traits, how to meet minor problems, how to banish fear and worries, how to adjust yourself to the inevitable, how to regain spiritual faith, how to find outlets for self-expression, how to re-build self-confidence, how to develop new interests, how to make friends, and how to get more out of life within the framework of your present age, standing, background and environment.
But none of these projected objectives can be reached by you unless you are sincere in your desire to help yourself and work conscientiously at it. However, do not consider this book as the cure-all for all emotional disturbances, as a panacea for all ills or mal-adjustments or as a magic carpet that will take you to a land of joy, happiness and contentment.
The ideas given cannot transform you into a totally new personality in one day or in thirty days. They cannot eradicate the mistakes of the past, discard the effect of bad habits, ignore the restrictions of your age, discount the limitations of your background or disregard your physical condition. Some of them will have to remain as they are, although improvements can be made.
The material given is intended to show you the way. The simplified, intimate talks are meant to serve as steps leading upward to a richer, fuller, better and happier life. The order of their presentation is not indicative of their importance or relationship. Some are only informatory or explanatory in content and others are specific in their suggestions.
Use them as they apply to your wants and problems. If any of the talks apply specifically to you make them your pivotal point of contact. Combine them with others closely related to the same topic and let them become the center of your activity until the situation is changed and your problem is resolved. Then go on to the next step in your steady climb upward. What is more, if the material given is not enough for your purposes follow it up by further studies through your local library. Your librarian can help you in many ways to supplement a follow-through.
Use this procedure right along and you will benefit immeasurably by it. It will help you to gain a better understanding of your-self, to develop a healthier outlook upon life, to broaden your horizons, to discover newer and better ways for self-expression. It will encourage you to cultivate new friends and enrich your contacts with them. It will foster within you a sense of security, a feeling of pride and accomplishment, the knowledge that you be-long and are an integral part of life around you. That, in turn, will engender within you peace, well-being and contentment.
Thus, in a figurative sense, this book will start you climbing, day by day, step by step and hour after hour, on an imaginary stair-way upward. Each tread in that stairway will bring you closer to the uppermost balcony where the view is glorious, beautiful and unlimited. Each riser in that stairway will introduce you to new concepts, to new vistas and horizons. Each step upward will con-tribute its share toward your ultimate goal, to richer, fuller, better and happier days. In fact, these stairs would become your own private stairway to success and happiness, only thirty space hours away.
To get your hands on this classic masterpiece that is now in the public domain simply click on the button below now. You will receive a scanned copy of the original book in editable word document format together with a pdf file and flat e-cover in five different sizes.